Transferring to another college or university doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With careful planning and using the people and resources available to help you, it can be a seamless experience.

Transfer Programs at LSC

Choosing the Right Degree for You

There are several types of degrees offered at °µÍø½ûÇø. The degree you complete will depend on where you are transferring to and what your major will be there.

Associate of Arts (AA)

This degree was designed to transfer into most liberal arts four-year majors. Some bachelor's degree majors may require specific pre-major courses as part of the degree program.

Associate of Fine Art (AFA)

An AFA is designed to transfer into most liberal arts fine arts degrees.

Associate of Science (AS)

This degree is for transfer into a specific four-year major and will likely require completing additional general education courses at a university.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

This degree is meant to prepare students for a specific career and designed for students to enter the workforce.
Work carefully with your academic advisor to determine the best degree and major for your academic goals and transfer institution, and how to be strategic if you are still exploring.

Transfer Out Options

Transfer guides can help students choose courses that will guide them to meet requirements for majors and degrees at their planned college or university. In addition to transfer guides, institutions may offer formal agreements, or articulation agreements, that are set to facilitate the transfer of your LSC coursework to a specific academic program to which you intend to transfer. If you don’t see an institution that you are interested in, please work with our advisors to help get you connected.

Transfer Events/Visits

LSC offers opportunities for four-year institutions to visit and hold office hours in our Transfer Center. Be sure to visit our LSC Master Calendar to find out what institutions will be here!

View the LSC Campus Calendar

For schools and colleges looking to table at LSC please sign up using our .