Our LSC Professional Academic Advisors can help you explore transfer options, assist with long-term planning, and connect you with valuable resources. For transfer planning, it’s best to schedule a 30-minute appointment here.

The Degree Audit (DARS/uAchieve Self-Service) is a self-directed, automated electronic tool for tracking a student’s progress toward completing an academic program at °µÍø½ûÇø. The interactive audit will show your completed LSC coursework as well as credits that have been accepted in transfer.

Degree Audit How-To Guides:

is a nation-wide network designed to help students explore college transfer options. It offers course and credit equivalencies and the ability to create plans to know how courses transfer to participating colleges and universities. Not all institutions may use Transferology, so it is important to work with an advisor at both LSC and the four-year institution you are interested in.

Feel free to us these Transferology Instructions to help you navigate their website.

The MN Transfer website has a number of planning resources to help students plan out their program paths with many resources provided by the Minnesota State system.  LSC’s can be found here. Students are encouraged to declare they are following an articulation agreement upon transfer to a university.

The has a number of planning resources to help students plan out their program paths at a MN private school.

Transfer FAQs...

Meet with an Professional Academic Advisor to explore your options.  You may also take an that can also provide resources to help determine career interests and how they match to our degree programs.

All credits from Minnesota State schools transferred in. The uAchieve degree audit will show which credits apply to the current program.

Only courses that apply to the current program will transfer in for regionally accredited schools outside of the Minnesota State system (including the University of Minnesota).

Students can use to see how credits will transfer into °µÍø½ûÇø or from LSC to a different school. Not all institutions may use Transferology so be sure to work with a professional advisor at your four-year institution to see what their process may be.

Students can use to request a transcript to be sent.

Speak with the school you are transferring to for transcript requirements and deadlines.

Although general education courses are widely transferrable, there are advantages to completing the entire Associate in Arts degree. If transferring to a university within Minnesota State, all lower-level general education requirements outside of the major would be met with a completed Associate of Arts degree.

For transfer outside of Minnesota State, set up an account through to see how completed credits will apply to a receiving program.

The completion of an Associate degree also allows students to document the completion of a degree on their resume.

The AA degree is a 2-year associate degree designed to transfer into most liberal arts four-year majors.

The MNTC is a package of courses within the AA degree that complete all 10 of the liberal education goal area requirements. Because the MNTC is not a degree program, it is not eligible for financial aid.

Yes, a transcript from the school in which credits were taken while in high school would need to be provided for the credits to be transferred.

A transfer guide assists in selecting courses that will satisfy general education and/or major requirements at receiving schools. Transfer agreements are formal agreements between two or more colleges and universities to accept credits in transfer toward a specific academic program.