Immediate Needs and Safety

  • Wade Gordon, Dean of Students, (218) 733-7656, [email protected], M131 – Main Campus
  • Sarah Lyons, Executive Diversity Officer/Deputy Title IX Coordinator– Students, (218) 733-5975, [email protected], M151 – Main Campus
  • Campus Security, (218) 733-6911, [email protected]
  • Duluth Police Department or St. Louis County Sheriff, 911 on cell phone or 9-911 from an internal LSC phone line

Counseling and Mental Health

  • Amy Fullerton – Director of Mental Health – (218) 733-6844 –
  • PAVSA, Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault, 32 E 1st St #200, Duluth, MN 55802, (218) 726-1931,
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Phone: 1-800-273-8255,
  • CASDA, the Center Against Sexual and Domestic Abuse, 318 21st Ave E, Superior, WI 54880, (715) 392-3136,
  • NAMI Duluth, County Counseling Resources, 1-800-634-8775,   
  • Amberwing, Center for Youth and Family Well-Being.  615 Pecan Ave, Duluth, MN 55811, (218) 355-2100,
  • Birch Tree Center, 4720 Burning Tree Road, Duluth, MN 55811, (218) 623-1800,
  • MinnState Employee Assistance Program,

Health Care

  • St. Luke’s Hospital, 915 E 1st St, Duluth, MN 55805, (218) 249-5555,
  • Essentia Health-St. Mary’s Medical Center, 407 E. 3rd Street, Duluth, MN 55810, (218) 786-4000,

Legal Resources

  • Law Help MN:
  • Legal Aid:


  • MN CASA, Coalition Against Sexual Assault, 32 East 1st St Duluth, MN 55802, (218) 726-1931, (218) 726-1442. 
  • Safe Haven, Domestic Abuse Shelter, Resources and Aid, 24 hour help line, (218) 728-6481
  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline has some COVID-19 resources and information:
  • First Witness Child Advocacy Center, 4 W. 5th Street, Duluth, MN 55806, (218) 727-8353,

Other Resources

Mother’s Rooms / Quiet Rooms

°µÍø½ûÇø supports the needs of women who are students, employees or visitors to our campus who are breastfeeding their babies by providing dedicated rooms to pump their breast milk in a quiet, comfortable, and private space.  The space may also be used for short term quiet / reflective time.

The Mother’s Rooms/Quiet Rooms on the °µÍø½ûÇø campus are available in the following locations:

  • M153 – Quiet Room
  • M132 – Student Life Department (M130).
  1. Students may check out an access badge from Student Life (M130).  After hours, please contact Security at (218) 733-6911 to gain access.
  2. Employees should automatically have badge access to M153, if not, please contact Tara Doolittle in the Facilities Office, (218) 733-7718.
  3. Visitors to campus who need to use a Mother’s Rooms/Quiet Rooms should contact Security at (218) 733-6911 to gain access.
  4. Campus map information is available.
  5. It is the responsibility of everyone using the Mother’s Rooms/Quiet Rooms to maintain a clean space that is ready for the next user.
  6. Please limit the use of the Mother’s rooms/Quiet Rooms to activities associated with expressing milk only.