IceHawks Pantry is open to all current students. We have frozen foods, non-perishables, personal hygiene products, cleaning products, baby formula and diapers. Weekly perishable food pickups are conducted every Tuesday and typically includes pastries, vegetables, fruit, frozen meals and frozen fried chicken. IceHawks Pantry is located near Student Services. For access or to make a donation to IceHawks Pantry, please contact the Executive Diversity Officer, Sarah Lyons, in the Center for Equity and Inclusion or by email ().

IceHawks Pantry Logo


What does the Pantry have?

IceHawk’s Pantry is donation based, so our products and quantities vary. We typically have canned fruits and vegetables, noodles and sauces, soups, oatmeal and cereals, macaroni and cheese, and other easy-to-prepare non-perishable options. The Pantry also has cleaning products like dishsoap and cleaners, and personal hygiene products like toothpaste, shampoo, body soap, diapers and more. Our freezers have frozen bread, ground beef and other meat options, and frozen, microwavable meals.

Who can access the Pantry?

Access to IceHawk’s Pantry is for currently enrolled LSC students. Former students, potential future students, and students’ families are asked to use other community resources and are not allowed access to LSC’s pantry. Students are welcome to visit the Pantry as often as needed.

How do I access the Pantry?

Students can stop by the Center for Equity and Inclusion (M125) and request access from either LSC’s Executive Diversity Officer, Sarah Lyons, or the student worker. If it is your first time accessing the Pantry, students will fill out an access agreement form with some basic understandings of how the Pantry operates. Following the first visit, students are asked to complete a form with their StarID and the number of items selected. This helps us apply for Grants and other opportunities to support IceHawks Pantry.

When is the Pantry open?

The Pantry is open Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., on days when the LSC Main Campus is open. If you are an evening student, please email and we can create a plan to ensure you access to food.

How can I donate to the Pantry?

We gladly accept donations of unopened products that can be useful for our students. Donations can be dropped off in the Center for Equity and Inclusion or by making financial donations through the LSC Foundation, earmarked for the Pantry.