Borrow • Loan Periods • Renew, Return, Recall • Fines & Fees • Community


Materials available at °µÍø½ûÇø

There are two ways to borrow physical items available at LSC’s Erickson Library.

  1. Use , the library catalog, to see if there is a physical copy available on campus and get it from the shelf.
  2. In , request to pick up the item from Erickson Library using a hold request. Book pick up requests are filled in 1-2 business days. Look for the “Get It” link in OneSearch to submit your request.

Materials not available at °µÍø½ûÇø

If the materials you need are not available at LSC’s Erickson Library,  you can still borrow from any of the 50+ MnPALS libraries with an InterLibrary Loan request.

Loan periods

  • Books* – 4 weeks / 2 renewals
  • DVDs – 1 week / 1 renewal
  • Audiobooks – 4 weeks / 1 renewal
  • Reference – In-library use only
  • Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers – 1 week / 1 renewal
  • Course Reserves – 2 hours & in-library use only
  • Group Study Rooms – 2 hours

*Most books can be checked out. The exception is Reference and Course Reserves materials which are in-library use only.

Renew, Return

¸é±ð²Ô±ð·É:Ìý with your Star ID and password or visit the the Circulation Desk in-person to renew materials.

Return: You can return books to the Circulation Desk or to the dropbox in the concourse outside the LSC Erickson Library doors after library hours.

Fines & Fees

with your StarID and password to find out if you have materials checked out or to see when they’re due.

If a book is overdue for more than 7 days and not returned, a non-refundable $2.00 processing fee for each item is charged. At 14 days, a lost notice is sent. Borrowers are then charged a replacement cost and a HOLD is placed on his/her library account. Please return materials promptly.

The library changes the status of long overdue materials to LOST and fines patrons the cost to replace the item. A hold is placed on patron’s academic records when they have LOST materials. Once items are returned, patrons need only pay for the overdue processing fee, typically $2.00, and holds are released. Please contact the library with any questions about LOST materials.

Replacement / processing changes for lost or non-returned items

Replacement charges for non-returned (including lost) library materials will be assessed per replacement costs plus an item processing fee. This charge can be removed if the item is returned before a replacement is ordered. For items no longer available, the replacement cost is determined by available copies through our book vendors.


Anyone who is not an LSC student or employee, or students who are not currently registered for classes, may get a Community Borrower Library Card. Community members apply for a library card in person at the Circulation Desk. The card is valid for one year from date of issuance. Community cards have privileges similar to student cards with the following exceptions:

  • No access to library databases from off-campus
  • No use of Interlibrary Loan.
  • Community members must use their local public library for Interlibrary Loan.