Username=Your StarID
Password=Your StarID password
Star ID troubleshooting
D2L Brightspace is the online tool you will use to access course materials in your online, hybrid or face-to-face courses. You will be able to log into D2L Brightspace before the first day of class and we encourage you to do so. However, your will not be able to access your courses until the first day of class.
If eLearning or the D2L Brightspace / eLearning tool is new to you, consider attending one of the following one-hour workshops on:
- Next dates TBD.
* Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode information will be available in the Announcements area of your D2L Brightspace account the week of December 23.
If you can’t make it to one of the workshops, you can watch the following videos:
D2L Brightspace / eLearning Orientation Videos
Pay for Courses
Check your . Learn about payment options. If needed, set up a . See payment deadlines information and policy information.