LSC surveys its students, employees, and other constituents to measure satisfaction and assess progress in meeting objectives. Regular surveys include:
The Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) and the Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL) are nationally normed surveys administered through the educational consulting firm Ruffalo Noel Levitz. In 2011, LSC started administering the SSI survey each spring. Starting in Spring 2021, LSC began to alternate administering the SSI and PSOL surveys with PSOL being administered in odd years. SSI includes 95 items and PSOL includes 54 items. Students are asked to rate twice, first by the importance of that item to them and second by their satisfaction with respect to that item. The gap between the students’ ratings of importance and satisfaction indicates areas of relative strength and weakness. Ten of the items from each survey are campus specific items specified by LSC.
SSI Results:
2024 SSI Survey Results
2022 SSI Survey Results
2020 SSI Survey Results
2019 SSI Survey Results
2018 SSI Survey ResultsPSOL Results:
The Higher Education Partnership Satisfaction Survey (HEPSS) was developed in 2011 as a collaborative effort by a group of nine Higher Learning Commission accredited AQIP institutions, of which LSC was one. The objective was to create measures and a benchmark tool for partnership satisfaction. LSC administers the survey annually in the spring.
HEPSS Results:
The Personal Assessment of the College Environment (PACE) survey is a nationally normed survey administered through the National Institute for Leadership & Institutional Effectiveness at North Carolina State University. The PACE survey is designed to measure employees’ perceptions of their college’s climate by measuring four factors: Institutional Structure, Supervisory Relationships, Teamwork, and Student Focus.
Regular administration of the PACE survey and analysis of its results is part of the charge of the LSC Campus Climate Committee. The Campus Climate Committee will take up the overall analysis as they have always done, while other committees such as Strategic Enrollment Management Committee; Council on Diversity and Inclusion; HLC Criterion Committees, etc. will also examine the reports for relevant data to inform their work. The purpose is to expand campus-wide communication, to involve more people in decision-making, and to ensure that identified action items are addressed by relevant committees. The charge for each of these committees is to review the relevant documents and agree on two or three Actionable Recommendations that align with our 2020-2030 Strategic Plan.
PACE Results:
(Requires access to LSC intranet)
(Requires access to LSC intranet)
The HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate survey is a campus climate survey administered through the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS). In Spring 2023, LSC started administering the survey and will continue to do so every 3 years. The survey asks students on their views regarding LSC’s campus climate, LSC’s support for diversity and equity, and whether they have experienced discrimination or harassment during their time at LSC.
HEDS Results